Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's All About Me...(Not Really)

Being fit isn't just about the physical, but rather it involves being healthy emotionally and mentally too. Now I am no doctor or therapist but I do know that when I am run down, unmotivated and mentally exhausted I am no good to anyone else. So as an average woman with no fancy education or medical/therapeutic insights how do I stay sane in an insane world?

Simple. I make time for me.

That's it. I know it's not a fit all answer to solve every problem. I realize life has it's ups and downs and there will be times we are exhausted and emotionally drained – but we can find joy in the simple things in the midst of our roller coaster lives. If we find ourselves in the midst of problems or situations that need expert advise then yes we take the opportunities before us. I am not advocating giving this up at all. I am simply saying that we need to make a little time for ourselves in our hectic schedules to enjoy life.

Finding ways to enjoy life can be as simple as finding a hobby, investing in our relationships, exercising, taking a vacation, learning something new or finding some quiet time.

I am no Martha Stewart, I am not crafty, artsy or athletic but I do find ways to take time to unwind, relax and enjoy the moments. Some of my favourite things include: reading, baking, exercising, going on hikes, watching a movie, taking a vacation and trying or learning new things. Of course I can't be doing all of these things at the same time, some of them are based on the season we are in. However some I take time to enjoy on a daily or weekly basis like reading, baking and exercising.

What do you do to remain sane? What are your hobbies? Do you enjoy taking the dog for a walk, going for a run, taking a long hot bubble bath?

Make the time for you. Make the time to find peace and relaxation. Make the time to unwind after a busy day or week - you need it. You can't be any good to anyone else around if you aren't taking care of yourself as well. Women in particular are very giving and nurturing in nature so we are always doing for others, wanting the best for them so let's not look at ourselves in any less of a way as we look at others and desire the best. Let's take that time for ourselves as well and take care of ourselves just as we take care of our children, our partners and loved ones, our homes and jobs.

We are worth it.

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